Dimitri Schuurman

Dimitri Schuurman

WP2 leader CitCom.ai – imec-MICT-Ghent University

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Dimitri holds the position of university business development manager at research group imec-MICT-Ghent University where he is responsible for research on inclusive design, impact via Living Labs and design for futures, all in the context of new and emerging technologies. He is also a visiting professor strategic design and innovation management at Ghent University in the industrial design department and partly works for the European Network of Living Labs as senior research strategist.
Since 2015 Dimitri holds a PhD on innovation management in Living Labs from Ghent University (UGent) and the Free University of Brussels (VUB in which he developed a three-layered model that is now widely used in Living Lab research as well as practice. He published more than 200 academic papers, acted as guest editor for multiple journals and for over ten years leads a special interest group on Living Labs in the International Society for Professional Innovation Management (ISPIM). Finally, since recently, Dimitri is also active as an independent consultant in the domains of open innovation, user innovation and strategic innovation management.